Wing Chun Kung Fu & Self Defence
Ph: 0405 025 977
Dit Da Jow is available in Bendigo and Castlemaine area from Wing Chun Kung Fu Bendigo. We also service Elmore, Huntly, Axedale, Goornong, Heathcote and many other areas around Bendigo.
Wing Chun Bendigo students come from far and wide to do Shaolin Jee Shin Wing Chun Kung Fu under master instruction.
Dit Da Jow - Iron Palm Healing
Dit Da Jow is a traditional Chinese liniment traditionally preferred by martial artists.
Iron Palm refers to the legendary Shaolin Monks and early Kung Fu Masters such as Grandmasters Ku Yu Cheung and Leung Jan practicing techniques to make the hands, legs, and feet feel like iron smashing against any object they punched or kicked.
In order to accomplish this, they applied Iron Palm liniment on the hands legs, shins or any part of the body they used to strike during training, this would prevent pain, strengthen and heal the area quickly so they could resume training.
The herbs used in an Iron Palm liniment are designed to heal, minimize pain, prevent future bone and joint problems and strengthen bones, connective tissue, sinew and other areas where there has been repetitive contact. Iron Palm is also very good for relieving pain in the areas mentioned above, so even if you do not practice Iron Palm this liniment is very beneficial
When one suffers a trauma type injury such as from striking, qi is blocked in the meridians causing pain and swelling. Massaging in Dit Da Jow opens up this blockage allowing the qi to flow freely allowing the injury to heal.
Dit Da Jow is made with Chinese herbs soaked in strong alcohol for at least 2 years in large glass jars to achieve full potency. There are various types with different combinations of herbs favored by the different original masters.
Our Iron Palm Dit Da Jow is aged at least 2 years and has been stored in a 5 litre glass jar for that period of time. Each day for the first month, the jar was shaken to agitate the contents, then weekly for the next 2 years. The jar is stored in the dark and unopened for the 2 years.
Jow by pouring a small amount (a capful) into my palm and rubbing it into the area I want to condition. eg hands, forearms etc. Rub in before and after your training and leave it on for at least 30 minutes before washing your hands or showering so it can soak into the skin.
Wing Chun Kung Fu Bendigo has FIVE types of Dit Da Jow which we have for sale which have been prepared in 95% pure alcohol.
Shaolin Iron Palm Dit Da Jow (15 herb)
Shaolin Bruise Healing Dit Da Jow (15 herb)
Shaolin Nine Tiger Dit Da Jow (35 herb)
Leung Jan's Dit Da Jow (26 herb)
Ku Yu Cheung's Iron Palm Dit Da Jow (25 herb)
Price is roughly $15 per 100ml plus postage.
Shaolin Dit Da Jow can also be purchased directly from Sifu Garry and Sifu Linda at Greensborough on 0401 530 643.

SHAOLIN 15 herb Iron Palm Dit Da Jow

LEUNG JAN's 26 herb Iron Palm Dit Da Jow

KU YU CHEUNG's 25 herb Iron Palm Dit Da Jow

Shaolin Bruise Healing Dit Da Jow

Shaolin Nine Tiger 35 herb Dit Da Jow