Wing Chun Kung Fu & Self Defence
Ph: 0405 025 977
Level 2 Syllabus - ORANGE Sash Black bar
Sil Lim Tao - 1st and 2nd parts
Gum sao - pinning hand
Fut sao - swinging arm
Tarn sao - upward deflection block
Tan sao - palm up block
Jut sao - jerk hand
Biu sao - thrusting arm
Footwork and Stances
Neutral stance/side stance/half steps/side step/full step forward/
full step back/exchange step left and right
Punching & Kicking Drills
Half step forward 3 multiple punches
Single arm numeric punches
Front stance Biu sao front kick followed up with 3 punches
Start side stance, side step with Pak sao front kick 3 punches
Defence against punches
Straight punch
Round punch
Double round punch
Defence against punches
Straight punch
Round punch
Double round punch
Low punch
Self defence
Parallel low hand grab
Cross arm low grab
Single hand push to the chest
Single handed shoulder grab from behind
Bear hug
Forehand & backhand
Jab to the belly